CBD Oil, Capsules, Smoking & Vaping: The Best Ways to Take CBD for Asthma
If you found this article, you’re probably interested in CBD to help treat your asthma symptoms, or taking it already but wanting to change things up. I’ve written extensively about how CBD helps manage my asthma symtpms, and regular readers will know I’m a big fan of its proven anti-inflammatory properties and calming effects.
But, CBD is available in a lot of forms out there. There’s creams, vapors, powders, oils, capsules, and that’s just to start. So which one is the best kind to take, especially when you have asthma? I’ve done the research – keep reading to find a solution for you.
What’s the Best Way to Take CBD?
CBD comes in lots of forms, so which is the right one? Well, the answer depends on you, really. But I do have some guidelines I like to follow.
The most common way people consume CBD is by inhalation – either through smoking or vaping. Now, smoking is universally bad and definitely not a great choice for asthmatics. But vaping is another story, and something many asthmatics can consider. Unlike with smoking, which works by combustion (creating smoke), vaping creates a more harmless vapor which you can inhale.
Vaping is a viable option, but you may find it more difficult to get a high enough of a daily dosage. However, the effects set in more quickly and can be more profound, so it’s really a matter of personal preference.
But vaping is not my preference. Instead, I use a high quality CBD oil for my CBD needs. I take it sublingually, under the tongue, which is great because it absorbs quickly without having to inhale anything that could irritate my lungs or throat. And I try to take the oil close to bedtime so it has the added bonus effect of helping me sleep.
Oil has the benefit of delivering a high dosage of CBD directly into my blood stream without having to inhale anything or take multiple doses.
I also occasionally transfer the CBD oil into capsules simply for the convenience of being able to take my dosage on the go. Just be sure not to take it on an empty stomach or you’ll lose some of the positive effects.
Some people take pure CBD isolate, which is a fine powder, sublingually as well. CBD isolate is usually the most affordable way to get CBD, but it can be a bit messy to be regularly taking small scoops – I’m always worried about losing some. But if you’re looking to save money, you can add isolate to oil and make your own, cheaper CBD oil. I’ll write a post more about how to do this soon!
What Exactly Is CBD, Anyway?
Without getting into a chemistry lesson, CBD is essentially a compound found in hemp. It’s naturally occurring and can be extracted in pure form or added to oil and other tinctures (note: if it’s legal in your state, you may also be able to find smokeable forms of CBD). It is not psychoactive and therefore will not get you “high”.
How Does CBD Work?
Again keeping things basic, CBD is a cannabinoid that works by activating receptors in the nervous system throughout the body. This creates the effects we associate with the plant such as pain reduction and anti-inflammation. Humans create a certain amount of cannabinoids naturally which is what makes CBD such an ideal, essentially all-natural treatment option.
Learn more about CBD and its properties here.
Why CBD is a great choice for asthmatics
CBD is my go-to recommendation for people who are looking to do “one good thing” about their asthma. Of course, everyone knows how much of an advocate I am for a balanced lifestyle including proper diet and exercise, but not all asthmatics are willing or able (due to age, injury, other conditions etc) to do these things. For these people, I recommend a strong CBD supplement.
The reason why I love CBD for asthma is pretty simple—it works. It doesn’t cure asthma, but it does severely reduce symptoms for many people including myself. I had my asthma pretty well under control with improved lifestyle changes, but CBD made my occasional symptoms almost disappear.
I like to explain to people that CBD just makes your body function better. Inflammation is reduced, the body is relaxed and the mind is clear. It gives you and your immune system the best chance possible to fight your asthma naturally. It’s also a great benefit to physical exercise and appetite which will increase your asthma fighting benefits even further.
Where to Get it?
If you live in the US, Canada or Europe, CBD is widely available without a prescription. I recommend buying CBD from a reputable company that lab tests their products regularly and and posts the results online, like Pure Spectrum CBD. They’re not the only reputable CBD company out there, but they’re a great one and one that I can personally attest to.

In fact, readers of this blog will get 10 percent off all their purchases simply by clicking this link or by using the coupon code “treatasthma” at the time of checkout.
And if you have any questions about CBD, please reach out in the comments below, over our live chat, or at treatasthmaathome@gmail.com. I always love hearing from my fellow asthmatics!
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