Air Purifiers For Asthma: A Complete Guide

Air Purifiers For Asthma: A Complete Guide

If you’re like me, you’ll do anything to keep your asthma symptoms at bay – and you’re wondering if air purifiers for asthma actually work.  Thankfully, the short answer is: yes, they do – but some types are MUCH better than others for asthma. Studies show that the right air filters can really help us…

How To Survive Wildfire Smoke And Asthma: 7 Powerful Strategies
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How To Survive Wildfire Smoke And Asthma: 7 Powerful Strategies

How To Cope With Wildfire Smoke And Asthma If you’re on the west coast of North America or in northern Europe right now, you’re probably wondering how to survive wildfire smoke and asthma. What’s the best way to protect your lungs? If you are dealing with wildfire smoke and asthma, don’t  panic – you can do…

Can I Have A Cat With Asthma? How I Make It Work
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Can I Have A Cat With Asthma? How I Make It Work

If you’re an asthmatic animal lover, you’re probably wondering if cats and asthma mix. The short answer is that, yes! There are several strategies you can follow, so that you can keep or get a beloved pet, even if someone in your family has asthma. You’ll need to clean a lot more than normal, as…

How To Stop An Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler
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How To Stop An Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler

I’m sure everyone who’s ever experienced one has wondered, “how can I stop an asthma attack without an inhaler?” I know I have, and it’s what started me on my asthma journey to get off albuterol completely (here’s how I did it). If you are experiencing an asthma attack right now, you know you need…

Cheap Nasal Strips – 2 Awesome Breathe Right Strips Alternative
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Cheap Nasal Strips – 2 Awesome Breathe Right Strips Alternative

Sometimes you need to keep the nose clear while it heals from allergies or the overusing decongestant medicines. Breath-Easy nasal strips are one popular and effective solution (I’ve certainly used my fair share), but they can be expensive if needed on a regular basis. Thanks to a little research online, I’ve found two methods for keeping your…

4 Tips for Kicking Nasal Spray Addiction

4 Tips for Kicking Nasal Spray Addiction

Nasal spray addiction is real, and it is nasty. It happens when your body becomes dependent on the medicinal spray to keep your nasal passages clear. In addition to your body’s reduced ability to fight nasal inflammation on its own, the medicine itself loses effectiveness over time. This leaves the sufferer with more nasal congestion…

Unblock Your Nose without Nasal Spray
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Unblock Your Nose without Nasal Spray

If you’re sick of irritated nasal passages, then you’re probably wondering if there is a stuffy nose remedy, preferably one that doesn’t involve medicine.  As someone with lifelong asthma and allergies I’m happy to report that yes! It is possible to unblock your stuffy nose without nasal spray! 2021 Update: This post was written some…