How CBD Helps With Asthma – My Journey Using CBD For Asthma
How CBD Helps With Asthma:
CBD is a complicated topic, so using it for something like controlling asthma can seem daunting. Never fear, my experience and research will make the choice a lot easier.
In general, CBD helps with asthma by reducing inflammation and relaxing the nervous system. CBD is a natural bronchodilator and antispasmodic that helps your airways to stay open and makes breathing easier. I take 40-80mg of full spectrum CBD oil every day to help manage my asthma symptoms.
CBD is a natural compound found in hemp that’s been used medicinally for thousands of years to treat many conditions including asthma. CBD is legally available in all US states without a prescription, as well as Canada and the European Union.
CBD is a great natural option to manage asthma symptoms for those with both moderate and severe asthma.
Keep reading if you’d like to learn more about how I use CBD to successfully treat my asthma symptoms.
And if you’re ready to jump in and try CBD yourself, here’s the products I recommend (and don’t worry – I’ll describe them further below!).
Does Using CBD Help With Asthma?
I’m living proof that CBD helps manage asthma symptoms, so the short answer is yes.
Modern studies have shown that cannabidiol, or CBD, is a potential new and natural way to modulate the inflammatory response in asthma, as well as treat several other asthma symptoms (source). CBD offers many other great benefits, and it has no psychoactive effect (meaning you won’t get “high”).
If you’re looking for more natural ways to manage your asthma symptoms, it’s a great option.
CBD for Asthma: My Journey
Readers of this blog know that I manage my asthma very successfully using diet, exercise, breathing techniques and lifestyle choices (learn more about my healthy lifestyle for asthma here).
Still, it wasn’t that long ago that I’d get that gnawing feeling of an impending asthma attack.
If you have asthma, then you know what an impending asthma attack feels like: the heavy chest and slightly itchy throat.
Now, due to my healthy remedies for asthma management, this feeling would rarely last long and I almost never need my inhaler as a result (learn more about how I overcame ventolin abuse here).
But it was still an annoying reminder of my condition. And hey, I’m only human. The mere thought of an asthma attack is still scary.
So I thought to myself, how do I stop these symptoms for good?
I wasn’t really sure where to begin my search for relief, but I happened to notice a few professional athletes advocating a mysterious thing called ‘CBD’ to control inflammation and pain, talking about all its great health benefits …
And since asthma is basically inflammation of the airways …
Could CBD for asthma work for me? I was willing to do the research to find out.
And what I found out was pretty dramatic, actually – the benefits of CBD far exceeded my expectations.

So, I started off with a relatively small dose of 20mg of CBD oil per day – this is generally the recommended starter dose. You can take this oil right under your tongue, or put it into capsules, which I sometimes do.
Remember, you don’t get ‘high’ from cannabidiol. It’s usually derived from hemp plant, and no matter how it is derived it doesn’t have any of the compounds that make people get high.
That means the immediate effects of taking the CBD itself are incredibly subtle, almost to the point of being imperceptible. Some report feeling a warm sensation in their body after taking it, but personally I don’t really feel anything.
Still, I continued to take the CBD hoping to see if the effects of my next asthmatic episode would be milder than before. Now, thanks to all the lifestyle changes I’ve made, my asthmatic episodes had already become rarer and rarer, so I was prepared to wait a while.
And so I waited …. and waited …. and waited for those asthma symptoms to reappear.
To my amazement and delight, my most annoying asthma symptoms never came back once I started taking CBD. Even after my usual triggers, like intense exercise or eating a heavy, acidic meal, the feelings of asthma never came back.
In fact I’ve been taking CBD for several years now, and I still haven’t had to sit through any discomfort or other asthmatic symptoms, let alone use my rescue inhaler.
Like I’ve said before, I’ve learned how to manage my asthma, but some symptoms were always a part of my life. But now with CBD in my ‘anti-asthma toolkit,’ I don’t experience any symptoms anymore.
Why CBD Works For Controlling Asthma
Without getting too much into the science, CBD works by affecting the body’s allergic and inflammatory response.
This means, essentially, that CBD reduces inflammation throughout the body.
AND, it prevents your body from overreacting to common allergens and other irritants which cause asthma symptoms. Bonus!
Keep reading for more specifics on how CBD works for asthma.
One of asthma’s most noticeable effects is how it constricts your airways. During an asthma attack, the air passages leading to the lungs become narrow and often filled with mucus and other irritants. This leads to difficulty breathing and less and less oxygen making its way into the bloodstream.
Studies dating back as far as the 1970s have noted the positive effects of related smoke in opening up the airways, as compared to tobacco smoke, with closes the airways.
That’s interesting, but smoking and getting high is not a practical solution to asthma management for the majority of people.
CBD, however, has all the same bronchodilatory effects WITHOUT any psychoactive feeling of being “high” at all.
And since it is normally consumed as a capsule or oil under the tongue, you don’t need to hurt your lungs with all that smoke.
Pain Relief
Aside from the obstruction of the airways and reduced airflow caused by asthma, there is also pain and discomfort during an asthma attack. But of course CBD is a proven pain reliever.
Simple pain relief is actually one of the main reasons why non-asthmatics take CBD, and there’s lots of research that shows its efficacy here. Sooo much nicer to take some all natural but that you know actually works!
CBD for asthma is also a great option because studies have shown that the components of CBD have huge anti-inflammatory capacity. It works by inhibiting the enzymes, like cyclooxygenases (COX-1, COX-2) which contribute to inflammation of the airways.
Studies on mice have shown that CBD counters inflammatory bacteria in the body while also improving lung function after acute lung injury.
This is all great news for asthmatics as inflammation is one of the key things we fight.
Muscle Spasticity
Twitching, irritable and spastic airways are a way of life for most asthmatics with un-managed asthma.
Thankfully, in addition to relieving pain and inflammation, there is a body of evidence dating back almost 2 decades showing the positive effects of hemp-related plants in relieving muscle spasms. In fact, it’s now used as a means of treating Multiple Sclerosis in some patients with great results.
This is all great news for asthmatics, especially as these anti-spastic benefits are now available in a smokeless capsule form without any psychoactive effects.
Getting Rid of Mucus
Passing mucus is one of the most annoying things about being asthmatic. It fills up your airways and makes it harder to breathe. It can also be dry and thick and hard to pass, especially when the airways are already tight (if you find you have a lot of mucus at night, this simple night-time asthma hack might help, too).
To counter this extra mucus, CBD has been shown as an effective expectorant, meaning it helps expel mucous and frees up your air passages for air to get through.
And as the other effects of CBD kick in, like anti-inflammation and bronchodilation, it becomes even easier to expel the phlegm and mucus from your body. I generally don’t like using the word ‘miracle cure’ … but, come on!
So, Should You Try It?
This really depends on you. I’ve been shy to start blogging about CBD because of the controversial nature of the plant in general (even though it’s just hemp) and its inconsistent legal status around the world (but remember, CBD won’t get you high!).
Simply put, if CBD is not legal in your area, DO NOT take it, obviously (and maybe campaign to get it made legal!).
But thankfully, this kind of treatment is now available legally (and without a prescription) in Canada, parts of Europe, and the United States (of course make sure you do your research first).
If you’re lucky enough to have a dispensary near you that you trust, then check them out. If they’re reputable, then their staff will be able to answer more questions (I’m also always happy to hear comments and questions from my readers at
Otherwise, thankfully CBD is now readily available online, without a prescription – so your only issue is wading through your options to find a high quality product that actually has what is says it has.
Direct Hemp is an American CBD distributor that offers an amazing service. It’s basically like an Amazon for CBD products, and what I love most about them is that they personally vet all of the brands that they sell and provide verified 3rd party lab test results for every product right on their website. So you never have to worry about quality when you purchase any CBD from their website.
Finding a CBD company that provides 3rd party lab tests is rare, so having a resource like Direct Hemp who lab test ALL of the products they sell is truly unique and a godsend for people like me who rely on it.
If you go the ordering-online route, then I recommend you get a CBD oil this like one, or try pure CBD isolate, which is the most cost effective way to get your dose of CBD in (use the coupon code ‘treatasthma’ or follow the links on this page to get 10% off your order!).
There are more options available if you’re interested in vaping, but of course that’s not a great solution for most asthmatics.
(Please see here if you’d like to learn more about how to actually take CBD for asthma, too).
Of course, I need to make my our usual disclaimer. I’m just an asthmatic who wants to share what has worked for me. You should always talk to your doctor before making any changes in your asthma treatment, especially since CBD might counteract with whatever other medications you’re taking.
(And if you do talk to your doctor first, make sure you come back to this page or use the coupon code ‘treatasthma’ when you get your Pure Spectrum, so you get your 10% savings!).
And a caveat: yes, I’ve made CBD sound a bit like a miracle cure – because for me, it is one. But like with all home remedies for asthma, this is only going to work if you’re taking care of your health. If you’re inactive, overeating, addicted to ventolin and doing nothing to manage your stress, then CBD might be less noticeably effective for you.
And if you decide to try CBD, I recommend you keep track of your symptoms. Learn more about how to journal for asthma management here.
So far, I’ve upped my dose a bit – I now take at least two 20mg servings of CBD, twice a day, usually a little while after eating (taking capsules on an empty stomach or too soon after eating can reduce their efficacy). This is what works for me – I play around with the dosage and time of day I take it, but as long as I’m getting CBD each day, I’m happy. If I’ve eaten a bit too much at night or I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, I might take another one before bed.
My wife Emma also takes CBD now, mostly for the health benefits (she’s not asthmatic) and to help with a little anxiety at night. We also give it to our elderly cat, Lily, and she’s definitely got some spunk back (and yes, you can have a cat even if you have asthma – here’s how!)
So, combined, we’ve got a lot of experience with CBD for asthma and health in general – for humans and animals.
And that means, if you have ANY questions about using CBD, please let us know in the comments below!
CBD Helps More Than Just Asthma
One of the reasons why I am so quick to recommend CBD to my readers is because it helps with SO many other issues and overall just improves your state of health.
CBD reduces anxiety for those who use it and keeps it that way for the duration of treatment. CBD can be taken indefinitely too, so great news for the worriers out there.
Research has shown that CBD has a real therapeutic benefit in the treatment of insomnia. I can personally attest to this one, in fact it’s one of the primary factors that draws people to try CBD in the first place.
CBD has increasingly been used to treat PTSD. Research shows that over 90% of patients saw a reduction in the severity of PTSD symptoms. In this particular study, all patients continued to use CBD after completion of the study.
CBD research clearly shows it to have anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic effects. Its use in the treatment of depression is growing and many users have seen tremendous benefits from it.
If you suffer from mood swings and other related symptoms, CBD can be of huge help. It can help with both the physical and mental symptoms associated with unstable moods.
Clinical studies show that CBD has a significant positive impact in those with reduced appetite. In this study, patients more than doubled their food intake after taking CBD.
CBD also helps with brain health. Research from Spain shows that the neuroprotective potential of CBD is huge due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
CBD helps to heal wounds due to its anti-inflammatory properties, especially when applied in the earliest phases of healing. This also applies to oral wounds which affect many people with and without asthma.
CBD modulates and improves the inflammatory response in humans. It works by reducing production of various proteins and cells that leads to inflammation in humans and other animals.
Current research supports the use of CBD in the treatment of pain in adults. Great news for chronic pain sufferers as there are no side effects, very unlike pharmaceutical opioid based pain killers.
Your gut, the microbiome and their effects on your overall health is a growing field of clinical research and focus. CBD has been shown to have a beneficial and protective role in promoting a healthy gut.
CBD is shown to reduce intestinal inflammation and is regarded by many researchers as a promising therapeutic agent for those suffering from inflammatory bowel disorders and other related conditions.
Studies have shown that CBD very significantly reduces the number of insulin producing cells that are affected by diabetes. Great news for diabetics!
Related Posts:
- How to Make Cheap CBD Oil That Is VERY High Quality
- Cheap CBD Oil – The Best CBD Products In 2021
- CBD For Asthma – 2021 Guide To Using CBD Oil For Asthma
- How To Use CBD Oil & What To Use It For
Related Questions:
CBD For Asthma – Does It Work?
CBD is a very effective preventative treatment for asthma due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. What this means is CBD oil can prevent inflammation of the airways, making it easier breathe, as well as prevent coughing and throat clearing that might trigger an asthma attack.
Can CBD Oil Cause Breathing Problems?
In general, ingested CBD oil has never been shown to trigger breathing problems or other negative side effects, either clinically or anecdotally. This is one of the reasons why I never hesitate to recommend giving CBD a try for any asthmatic or person suffering from breathing difficulties.
Is CBD Oil Good For Asthma?
CBD oil has been shown to reduce the severity and frequency of asthma attacks and periods of breathing difficulty. Many modern studies have shown the effectiveness of CBD oil in preventing fits of coughing, airway inflammation and promoting the opening of the lungs. All of these things makes breathing easier if CBD oil is right for you.
Can CBD Work As A Complementary Asthma Treatment?
CBD and CBD oil works very well as a complementary treatment for those suffering from asthma. Clinical studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD can be used right alongside traditional asthma medicines without any problems. Ideally, the regular use of CBD with the proper dosage can reduce dependency on pharmaceutical asthma medications.
Is CBD Oil An Antispasmodic?
Research has shown that CBD oil is an effective antispasmodic that can help prevent asthma attacks for many people. This means that the bronchi, bronchioles, as well as the muscles that control the lungs, are less likely to spasm and make breathing difficult.
Hey! Loved the article !
Did you ever end up using your pump in the day and then taking CBD oil at night ? ( In the beginning )
I don’t think there is any drug interactions with the 2 but there isn’t any info online about it that I found
Thanks ! 🙂
Sorry for the late reply! There shouldn’t be any problem using CBD and your inhalers together. Of course, always check with your doctor before changing your treatment routine!
Is this cbd made in the United States?
Pure Spectrum CBD, the brand that I recommend, it made from American hemp. So, yes, it is made in the United States.
How many times a day do you use CBD Oil for asthma? I just started taking it today and I just put three drops under my tongue.
Good question! And sorry for the late reply.
There’s really no right or wrong answer as long as you’re getting the proper dose. Right now I’m taking a single 40mg dose right before bed so it also helps me sleep. I hope it works well for whatever you’re taking it for!
I specifically like CBD Isolate Capsules because they do not contain any THC so I have peace of mind in the case that I have to take a drug test for work because I am a fire fighter.
Very good point. CBD isolate is a great choice for anyone facing mandatory drug testing. That being said, full spectrum CBD generally has very little to no THC content.
CBD is a natural, plant-based compound that has powerful anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. This means CBD, including CBD oil, can be used as an effective preventative asthma treatment along with traditional asthma medications.