Why Oregano Tea Is Good for Asthma and Lung Health
I blog extensively about good teas for asthma, because is healthy and soothing, and it helps me manage my symptoms. Based on my research and personal experience, oregano tea is another great choice for anyone with asthma or similar concerns.
Oregano tea is very beneficial for asthma because it is anti-inflammatory, decongesting and pain relieving. It can also help with related health issues like cough, sore throat and nausea. Oregano tea is easy to make, affordable, and good for the lungs, making it a great option for asthmatics.
If you think oregano is just good for topping pizza, think again. This herb has many great benefits that make it a great tea for your lungs. Keep reading to find out all the respiratory issues it can help soothe.
What Is Oregano Tea?
As the name suggests, oregano tea is tea made out of oregano. It can be mixed with other teas to give it a more palatable taste, but oregano is usually the most important ingredient if you’re concerned about lung health.
Oregano comes from a plant in the mint family, and it can be eaten fresh or dried. It’s often used in Mediterranean and Mexican dishes, and it is one on the most consumed herbs in the world.
People have been using oregano in cooking for millennia. Even the Greeks and Romans used it, believing it was connected to joy and happiness.
Perhaps more importantly, oregano has also been used medicinally, taken as tea, in oil or as supplements. It’s been used to treat colds, upset stomach, asthma and cramping, to name just a few conditions (source). The Lung Institute suggests that is can also help “boost immunity, promote healthy digestion, fight allergies and promote weight loss” (source). People still take oregano to treat sore throat, cough, nausea and digestive issues (source).
Oregano is also a diuretic, which means it can help ease bloating.
Oregano tea contains many nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E, as well as small amounts of calcium, potassium, iron and folate. For a completely nutritional listing of oregano, see here.
Finally, oregano tea is rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids, which accounts for many of its health benefits. Oregano is an antioxidant, as well as antibacterial and antiviral (source).
Oregano Tea and Lung Health
Although there have not been many studies on the effect of oregano tea on lung health, oregano has traditionally been used to treat respiratory conditions such as coughs, asthma, croup and bronchitis.
One of the major reasons that oregano may help improve lung function is because it contains carvacrol and rosmarinic acid, two natural decongestants and antihistamines. For this reason, The Lung Institute suggests it may help promote lung function (source).
Oregano Tea and Asthma
Like all good teas for asthma (see some more of my favorites here), oregano tea has anti-inflammatory properties. Since asthma is caused by inflammation of the lungs, controlling inflammation is a good way to control asthma symptoms (and keep you healthy in general).
Specifically, oregano contains thymol and rosmarinic acid, both of which are anti-inflammatory (source).
Oregano may also help with pain relief (source), which would make it of further benefit to people with asthma.
Oregano’s anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties, along with its benefits for lung health in general, suggest that oregano tea can be a good source for people looking to reduce asthma symptoms.
People with asthma can drink oregano tea, and they may also want to ingest the steam, as steam can have a pleasant, soothing effect on the throat.
Oregano Tea and Congestion
Sinus congestion is a miserable condition that people with asthma know all too well. Thankfully, not only can oregano tea help your asthma symptoms, but it may help your congestion, too.
At this point, there is no clinical research to suggest that oregano can help clear the sinuses, but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence. And oregano oil is both antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory. This suggests that it may help with sinus congestion, as so many people believe it does.
My approach to natural remedies for my asthma, allergies and sinus issues is to keep an open mind, but to be smart about it. I don’t go for really out-there ‘cure-alls.’ But if something is generally healthy and harmless, I think it’s usually worth a try.
We know that oregano is healthy. And since it might help, I thought it was worth a try – and I’m happy with the results. It can’t replace medicine, but it helps me.
How To Make Oregano Tea
There are several ways to make oregano tea. The easiest is to buy a package of premade oregano tea bags. Opt for organic if you can. I particularly like this oregano tea (available on Amazon here).
Or, if you have oregano in your cupboard, then you can use that to make oregano tea. Just use a tea strainer, or get some empty tea bags you can fill up on your own, like these ones.
If you’re making your own oregano tea, shoot for about 2 teaspoons per 1 cup of water.
Boil some water, add it to your oregano, and let it steep for 5-10 minutes (depending on how strong you want it – even two minutes will work).
You can also make oregano with fresh oregano. But a sprig in your cup before adding hot water. It’s a good idea to gently mash the sprig a little to release some of the oils. Then add your water, let it steep, and remove the spring before drinking.
Oregano tea is caffeine free, so you can enjoy it any time of day. It does taste like drinking oregano, so it’s an acquired taste. You can sweeten it with lemon and honey (and note that honey may be particularly helpful for asthmatics, and it also soothes the throat). And you might like letting yourself take a few slow, deep breaths of the steam before you start drinking.
Oregano Tea Side Effects
Oregano is generally safe to consume, unless you are allergic to it of course. Note that if you are allergic to mint, you may also be allergic to oregano, as they come from the same family of plants.
Drinking copious amounts of oregano tea might upset your stomach, so don’t overdo it. But generally all sources I read suggest it is safe to drink a cup or two of oregano tea regularly.
Also, pregnant women should not take medicinal amounts of oregano.
Final Thoughts
Most scientific studies on oregano or oregano tea do not include human participants. That means it’s still not clear the exact ways or reasons why oregano can impact human health.
That said, people have been using oregano medicinally for thousands of years, and people still find it helps with many of their health issues. I personally find that oregano tea helps soothe my throat, and tea in general helps me keep my asthma in check.
Oregano tea is safe for most people, and it might really help your asthma and improve your breathing. For these reasons, I suggest giving it a try (and maybe journal your results), and see if has an impact on your symptoms.