Reduce your asthma symptoms with safe and natural treatments.

A cozy scene with a selection of herbal teas known for asthma relief, including chamomile and ginger, on a kitchen table.
Herbal Tea For Asthma

What herbal teas are best for asthma relief?

For asthma relief, the best herbal teas include ginger tea, which helps reduce inflammation, and peppermint tea, known for relaxing the muscles of the respiratory system. Licorice root tea is also beneficial as it soothes the throat and eases breathing. These teas offer natural ways to help manage asthma symptoms…

CBD Oil, Capsules, Smoking & Vaping: The Best Ways to Take CBD for Asthma
CBD For Asthma How To Stop Asthma Lifestyle for Asthma Natural Remedies for Asthma

CBD Oil, Capsules, Smoking & Vaping: The Best Ways to Take CBD for Asthma

If you found this article, you’re probably interested in CBD to help treat your asthma symptoms, or taking it already but wanting to change things up. I’ve written extensively about how CBD helps manage my asthma symtpms, and regular readers will know I’m a big fan of its proven anti-inflammatory…

A stack of research papers beside a diffuser, exploring essential oils as complementary therapy for asthma.
Essential Oils For Asthma

Essential oils as a complementary therapy for asthma: What the research says

Research on essential oils as a complementary therapy for asthma shows mixed results. Some studies suggest that certain oils, like peppermint and eucalyptus, may help relax airways and ease breathing in asthma patients. However, experts warn that essential oils can also trigger asthma symptoms in some people. It’s important to…

A soothing aromatherapy setup with a guidebook on best practices and essential oils for asthma.
Essential Oils For Asthma

Aromatherapy for asthma: Best practices and essential oils

When using aromatherapy for asthma, it’s important to choose essential oils carefully and use them safely. Lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint oils are often recommended for their soothing properties. Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying to the skin or using in a diffuser. Consult with a healthcare…

Can I Have A Cat With Asthma? How I Make It Work
How To Stop Asthma Allergies & Asthma Lifestyle for Asthma

Can I Have A Cat With Asthma? How I Make It Work

If you’re an asthmatic animal lover, you’re probably wondering if cats and asthma mix. The short answer is that, yes! There are several strategies you can follow, so that you can keep or get a beloved pet, even if someone in your family has asthma. You’ll need to clean a…

Air bubbles used to represent the buteyko method
Buteyko Method How To Stop Asthma Lifestyle for Asthma Natural Remedies for Asthma

Are You Hyperventilating (Without Even Knowing It)?

The Buteyko method is one of our favorite home remedies for asthma, because it’s relatively simple and worked so well for me. It has re-framed how we view my asthma, and how we treat it.  We’ve had such great success with the Buteyko method, because we trust its central tenant…

Fitness gear and herbal teas in a setting that inspires activity, suggesting support for activity-induced respiratory comfort.
Herbal Tea For Asthma

Herbal teas for exercise-induced asthma: Do they help?

Yes, some herbal teas may help with exercise-induced asthma. Teas like ginger, peppermint, and black tea contain natural compounds that can relax the airways and reduce inflammation. Drinking these teas before exercising might prevent asthma symptoms triggered by physical activity. However, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider for personalized…