How To Do Buteyko Breathing – The Ultimate 2021 Guide To The Buteyko Method
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How To Do Buteyko Breathing – The Ultimate 2021 Guide To The Buteyko Method

There is a way to breathe better and it has nothing to do with taking deep breaths like you may have learned in yoga practice. The Buteyko Breathing method promotes better breathing by breathing less. The Buteyko Breathing method is a series of breathing exercises and principles that work by encouraging you to breathe as…

Asthma Attacks: What To Do
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Asthma Attacks: What To Do

All of us asthmatics have been there, with an impending asthma attack and wondering what to do. Everything is normal and then suddenly you feel a slight constriction in your throat or perhaps a dry phlegm that’s hard to pass. It’s the tell tale sign of an impending asthma attack. When this happens, some asthmatics…

A Little Buteyko Breathing Goes a Long Way

A Little Buteyko Breathing Goes a Long Way

I’m writing today to share my take on Buteyko breathing and all alternative treatments for asthma. Short answer? Buteyko is worth a try.  In recent years I have cut my reliance on ventolin, and I want to spread the message that being proactive and seeking out alternative treatments is really important for maintaining a high…

Asthma Worse at Night? Try This Simple Fix!
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Asthma Worse at Night? Try This Simple Fix!

If you’re like me, you find your asthma worse at night. If only I had a penny for every time I used to wake up at night with bad asthma and wheezing. Until I discovered this simple trick I’m about to share, I don’t know if I ever made it through the night without needing…