Reduce your asthma symptoms with safe and natural treatments.

What Essential Oil Is Best For The Lungs? 9 Great Options
Lifestyle for Asthma Natural Remedies for Asthma

What Essential Oil Is Best For The Lungs? 9 Great Options

Everyone wants to feel calm and healthy, whether they have an underlying condition like asthma or not. And we all want to breathe a little easier, which makes many people look to essential oils. The best essential oils for the lungs are those that are shown to help treat upper…

An air purifier and a selection of essential oils on a nightstand, suggesting a harmonious combination for asthma relief.
Essential Oils For Asthma

Essential oils and air purifiers: A good combination for asthma?

Using essential oils with an air purifier for asthma management is not advisable. Essential oils can irritate the airways and worsen asthma symptoms in some people. Air purifiers help remove allergens and pollutants from the air, which can benefit asthma sufferers. It’s best to use an air purifier alone for…

Happy face, happy breathing
Buteyko Method How To Stop Asthma Lifestyle for Asthma

Top 5 Reasons to Try Buteyko

The word ‘life-changing’ is often overused, but when it comes to Buteyko, we mean it. The Buteyko method really did change our lives. We noticed changes in my husband’s asthma within days of starting to practice. Buteyko helped him realize that he had some control over his symptoms, and that…

A selection of herbal teas with informative notes, guiding on choices beneficial for respiratory health.
Herbal Tea For Asthma

Are there any herbal teas asthma sufferers should avoid?

Yes, asthma sufferers should be cautious with certain herbal teas. Teas containing eucalyptus, licorice root, or echinacea might worsen asthma symptoms or trigger allergic reactions in some people. It’s important for individuals with asthma to consult their healthcare provider before trying new herbal teas, to ensure safe consumption. What Herbal…

How To Survive Wildfire Smoke And Asthma: 7 Powerful Strategies
How To Stop Asthma Allergies & Asthma Lifestyle for Asthma

How To Survive Wildfire Smoke And Asthma: 7 Powerful Strategies

How To Cope With Wildfire Smoke And Asthma If you’re on the west coast of North America or in northern Europe right now, you’re probably wondering how to survive wildfire smoke and asthma. What’s the best way to protect your lungs? If you are dealing with wildfire smoke and asthma, don’t …

A compact air purifier fitting seamlessly into a small, cozy space designed for asthma sufferers.
Air Purifiers

How To Choose An Air Purifier For Small Spaces For Asthma

To choose an air purifier for small spaces to help with asthma, look for models with HEPA filters, as they capture fine particles that can trigger asthma symptoms. Ensure the purifier is the right size for your room by checking its coverage area. Also, consider devices with low noise levels…

A vibrant depiction of peppermint oil near a person breathing deeply, illustrating its impact on easing asthma symptoms.
Essential Oils For Asthma

Impact of peppermint oil on asthma symptoms

Peppermint oil can sometimes help ease asthma symptoms by relaxing the muscles of the airways, making it easier to breathe. However, for some people, inhaling peppermint oil might trigger asthma symptoms or make them worse because it can cause allergic reactions or irritation in the airways. It’s important for individuals…

A serene bedroom at night with an air purifier working quietly to reduce asthma attacks.
Air Purifiers

Can Air Purifiers Reduce Asthma Attacks At Night?

Yes, air purifiers can help reduce asthma attacks at night. They work by cleaning the air of allergens like dust, pet dander, and pollen that can trigger asthma symptoms. By removing these triggers from your bedroom environment, an air purifier can make it easier for you to breathe and sleep…