21 Of The Best Teas for Asthma Relief
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21 Of The Best Teas for Asthma Relief

Tea for asthma – the perfect natural remedy for my breathing problems. That’s because it helps me manage both my stress and my asthma symptoms at the same time. But which is the best tea for asthma? In my experience, the best tea for asthma is a combination of Breathe Easy Tea and Throat Coat…

What Home Remedies for Asthma Worked for Us?

What Home Remedies for Asthma Worked for Us?

I have a message for the curious and skeptics alike: home remedies for asthma changed my family’s life, and they can change your life, too.

I wasn’t born with asthma. But the person I love most in the world was, suffering through it off and on until we met in our early twenties, fell in love and eventually got married. Unfortunately, marital bliss didn’t keep his symptoms at bay.
And there’s nothing worse than watching someone you love struggling to breathe.

Medicine alone wasn’t able to keep my husband from waking up wheezing in the middle of the night. Or reaching for his puffer multiple times a day.

So in recent years, we’ve turned to home remedies for asthma. Through trial and error, we’ve come up with a system that has drastically reduced my husband’s asthma and increased his quality of life.

Nick was diagnosed with asthma as a young child. He took prednisone and flovent most of his life to keep symptoms under control. Thanks to the methods we’ll outline on this website, we’ve been able to drastically reduce his dependence on steroids and inhalers.

He’s cut out his preventative inhaler completely. He barely uses his blue ventolin rescue inhaler, usually only when he has a cold or flu. And he just breathes better.

That’s why we’re sharing our experience.

Home remedies for asthma worked for us, but the sheer amount of information online and in print can be overwhelming – and sometimes questionable. So we’re compiling legitimate, healthy ways to treat your asthma at home. We’ve done it all, read it all, researched it all, and we want to show you what actually works.

Best Diet for Asthma (Including 3 Asthma Superfoods!)
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Best Diet for Asthma (Including 3 Asthma Superfoods!)

Can A Better Diet Help With Asthma Symptoms Relief? Let’s cut to the chase: I believe that a healthy diet for asthma is one of the best ways you can manage your symptoms. And while there’s no universally accepted diet for asthma, any diet filled with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables is going…

Top Recommended Supplements for Asthma
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Top Recommended Supplements for Asthma

Supplements for asthma are a go-to for many people looking to treat their symptoms at home, naturally. If I’m being honest, I think an overall healthy diet and lifestyle is the most important thing in treating your asthma. But, with a big stack of asthma books and resources at my disposal, I know there’s lots…

How to Treat Asthma the Harvard Recommended Way!

How to Treat Asthma the Harvard Recommended Way!

We’re dedicated to exploring how to treat asthma at home, so of course we’re interested in the what the medical community has to say. We’ve read just about every asthma book out there, including this helpful The Harvard Medical School Guide to Taking Control of Asthma. The authors do a good job explaining asthma and…

Unblock Your Nose without Nasal Spray
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Unblock Your Nose without Nasal Spray

If you’re sick of irritated nasal passages, then you’re probably wondering if there is a stuffy nose remedy, preferably one that doesn’t involve medicine.  As someone with lifelong asthma and allergies I’m happy to report that yes! It is possible to unblock your stuffy nose without nasal spray! 2021 Update: This post was written some…

Are You Hyperventilating (Without Even Knowing It)?
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Are You Hyperventilating (Without Even Knowing It)?

The Buteyko method is one of our favorite home remedies for asthma, because it’s relatively simple and worked so well for me. It has re-framed how we view my asthma, and how we treat it.  We’ve had such great success with the Buteyko method, because we trust its central tenant – that asthma is caused…