Ventolin Abuse Guide: 3 Side Effects & How To Beat It In 2021
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Ventolin Abuse Guide: 3 Side Effects & How To Beat It In 2021

Ventolin, or albuterol, abuse is a serious concern for people with asthma. Used improperly, rescue inhaler overuse can cause permanent damage to the lungs and airways and an increase in the symptoms of asthma like wheezing and chest-tightness.  Thankfully, research has shown that changes in lifestyle like diet and exercise, and even supplements like CBD,…

How to Treat Asthma the Harvard Recommended Way!

How to Treat Asthma the Harvard Recommended Way!

We’re dedicated to exploring how to treat asthma at home, so of course we’re interested in the what the medical community has to say. We’ve read just about every asthma book out there, including this helpful The Harvard Medical School Guide to Taking Control of Asthma. The authors do a good job explaining asthma and…

Unblock Your Nose without Nasal Spray
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Unblock Your Nose without Nasal Spray

If you’re sick of irritated nasal passages, then you’re probably wondering if there is a stuffy nose remedy, preferably one that doesn’t involve medicine.  As someone with lifelong asthma and allergies I’m happy to report that yes! It is possible to unblock your stuffy nose without nasal spray! 2021 Update: This post was written some…

Top 5 Reasons to Try Buteyko
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Top 5 Reasons to Try Buteyko

The word ‘life-changing’ is often overused, but when it comes to Buteyko, we mean it. The Buteyko method really did change our lives. We noticed changes in my husband’s asthma within days of starting to practice. Buteyko helped him realize that he had some control over his symptoms, and that it is possible to treat…

Are You Hyperventilating (Without Even Knowing It)?
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Are You Hyperventilating (Without Even Knowing It)?

The Buteyko method is one of our favorite home remedies for asthma, because it’s relatively simple and worked so well for me. It has re-framed how we view my asthma, and how we treat it.  We’ve had such great success with the Buteyko method, because we trust its central tenant – that asthma is caused…